Wednesday, September 14, 2016

First Things First

When you inherit a bike from your kid, I can almost guarantee that it is not going to fit. At all. 

I realized almost immediately that while he and I have nearly the same inseam measurement, we are NOT built the same. At all.

Without some major changes, there was no way that I was going to be able to ride the bike comfortably. At all.

Thankfully, that wasn't hard to fix. Years of hanging out at bike races and making friends with all sorts of bike people meant that I knew just what I should do... I needed to go see local cyclocross legend and bike fit genius, Jared Nieters. 

Photo credit: CycleBoredom
After several hours at the Haymarket Bicycles Fit Studio in The Plains, VA, Jared had properly positioned the cleats on my hand-me-down shoes, traded my seatpost so that I was positioned properly over the pedals, changed out my stem, put on significantly narrower handlebars, and lowered my seat a solid two inches. 

Before the fit, the bike really felt like I was riding someone else's bike. After, it felt more like MY bike. Thanks Jared!

The bike fit made a world of difference! I was able to ride the bike comfortably. I would like to say that I could get on and off easily too, but that would be a lie. I could get on and off, but not easily. Not like a pro. Certainly not like Sam can. But at least I was closer...

A little introduction...

This is my amazing kid. He loves bikes. He started riding on the back of my bike when he was just over a year old. He was off training wheels when he was two. He obsessively reads bike magazines. He can tell the groupo on a bike from looking at the handlebars through a tinted window while driving on the highway. He is a total bike nerd. 

He has also been racing bikes for years now. No really... YEARS! He did his first triathlon when he was eight. He still races. A lot. He races road bikes, he races cyclocross, he runs cross country, he still does the occasional triathlon. And he loves it. All of it!

I love watching him race. I love helping him get ready for races. I don't love doing his post-race laundry...

I had never heard of cyclocross before he did his first 'cross race. I watched him tackle a crazy looking course and he had a blast. I made the critical mistake of saying, "That looks fun... Maybe I will try it some day!"

So here is what happened... This amazing kid, who is a natural athlete looked at me and said, "When I out grow this bike, you could have it." 

Fast forward two years and this happened... 

Yep... That is the kid on his brand new (to him) Van Dessel cross bike. He is really rocking the wheelie too. 

Unfortunately, this means that this happened...

Yep... That's me attempting to ride my son's old bike. He really looks way better doing it. In fact, that is him in the background in the black and blue helmet. 

When he got his new bike, I inherited the old one and now have to try 'cross too. After years of spectating and cheering at 'cross races, I have found myself on the